Update Transportfonds Mombasa Kenia APDK

Lieve mensen,

Het transportfonds en vooral de posters zijn zo'n succes, dat er nu teveel kinderen zijn die geopereerd moeten worden.
Zie hieronder de mail wisseling met Leah, direkteur APDK.
Zo gaan we aan ons eigen succes ten onder.
Er is een beperkt budget voor de chirurgie en er staan nu kinderen op de wachtlijst.
Eén operatie kost tussen de € 450,-- en € 550,--. Na 10 kinderen zou ons transportfonds leeg zijn, dat lijkt ons geen oplossing. Daarna hebben we 2 problemen. Geen geld voor operatie en geen geld voor vervoer naar het ziekenhuis.

Als jullie nog ideeën hebben of weten dat mensen naar Kenia gaan, denk dan even aan een potje voor operaties.

Vast hartelijk bedankt
voor het meedenken. Wij blijven ook naar oplossingen zoeken.

Subject: RE: update - Transport/posters
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2012 15:29:26 +0200

Dear Leah,

Thanks for your mail and your reply to our questions. It's great that the transportfund and the reactions to the posters are so successful.

We regret that the budget for surgery is limited. Hanna and I've talked about the possibilities.
When we'll use the money of the transportfund, the fund will be empty very quickly.
Then there will be two problems: no money for surgery and no money for transport to the hospital.

We'll try to bring in - and to interest other people to finance surgery.
Are the volunteers of 'Doing Good' a possibility or the volunteer physiotherapists from Germany?

We'll send this mail, with your request, to the other volunteers, who've worked at APDK in the past, and the new one's who're going to APDK in September. So they can think about it and make a well-considered decision, how to spend their sponsormoney.

Success and we'll think along with you in every possible way.

Sincerely yours, Hanna and Anna

Subject: Re: update - Transport/posters
Date: Mon, 28 May 2012 18:01:40 +0300

Dear Hanna and Anna,
Please find my answers behind your questions for your kind perusal.
Kind and warm regards from all of us.
Leah Mwachari (Mrs)
Project Administrator,
APDK Rehabilitation Clinic.
P.O. Box 93959 Mombasa,
Mobile - 0723732010/0733811650
Wireless 020205834
Personal: 0723716505
----- Original Message -----
Sent:Friday, May 25, 2012 5:57 PM
Subject:RE: update - Transport/posters

Dear Leah,

Thanks for your long mail. We hope you and your family are well.

We have a few questions.

1. What's the price of surgery for one child?
Answer: Kshs 55,000.00 per surgery up fromKshs 45,000.00
We understand that the operations are all different, but can you give an average for one child?

2. Can you give us an idea about how many ( roughly) children we talk about, during the second half year of 2012?
Answer: 23 children have been referred to the clinic through the Fund since January 2012 and about 10 have undergone surgery, while the rest is on a waiting list.

3. Is there enough money in the transportfund to pay transport this year and surgery, Answer: Yes there is still enough money for transport this year.
Or is the intention to set up a new fund?
Answer: Kindly take note that we would prefer if you could look into ways and means to start a new fund for surgery so that we can account for them independantly. Kindly share it with your partners and let us know.

We're waiting for the message of Kate and your answer.
Sincerely yours and greeting to all the employees of APDK and the Mobile Clinic.


Subject: update - Transport/posters
Date: Wed, 23 May 2012 13:36:13 +0300

Dear Hanne and Anneke,
Wetake this opportunity to bring you greetings from APDK Rehabilitation Clinic and updates especially on the above mentioned subject.
We have continued to receive clients who are benefiting from the transport fund with the help of the mobile crew andarealso receiveving many calls from parents of children with disabilities as a result of reading the posters (kate is in the process of compiling the latest report (in picture form) on transport and will share with you. We are also trying to formulate a process whereby we can be able to capture data on clients who have come to the clinic after reading the postes.
In as much as we are we can report on success of the above, it has brought about a 'challenge' on influx of unexpected number of children which had not been foreseen. We have not been able to pay hospital bills where the children were taken for surgery simply because we did not want to turn away any child who had come especially from the rurals - remotes parts of mombasa. We reasoned that if we gave a further dates, they will never come back again because of social challenges that many of then face. Hospitals like Pandya and Kijabe ha been very tolerant with
We are sharing this challenge with you so that you may in turn share it with most ofyour faithful friends/families who have supported your worthy course. Is there any posibility that you can also support surgery of the same children especially those coming in this year? Your thoughts and partnership on this level will be highly appreciated.
Thank you for your rich friendship and supportthat has grown over the past few years. God bless.
sincerely yours,
Leah Mwachari (Mrs)
Project Administrator,
APDK Rehabilitation Clinic.
P.O. Box 93959 Mombasa,
Mobile - 0723732010/0733811650
Wireless 020205834
Personal: 0723716505




Hallo Anneke
Dat is nou toch ook wat ! We kunnen moeilijk de kinderen naar het ziekenhuis brengen en daar op de stoep zetten tot ze geopereerd worden.
Niks doen en wachten tot er operatie budget is , lijkt me ook geen optie. Het komt me onmenselijk voor maar er zal toch een soort van prioriteitenlijst moeten komen. Kinderen waarvoor langer wachten fataal kan zijn transporteren en ook de operatie betalen. Geen idee of dat haalbaar is ?

Liefs en wijsheid Jeannette

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